We can arrange a formalised monthly rehabilitation package for all your horses needs. This can include regular Aqua-training sessions, INDIBA Treatments, Solarium Sessions, Veterinary visits and Physiotherapy.

For Hire

(Contact us for prices and Monthly Rehabilitation offers)


The combination of movement and hydrotherapy not only complements each other perfectly, but brings forth a new form of therapy. Controlled movement is the best way of treating lameness whilst cold water cools and massages the horse’s limbs.

Therapeutic effects:

  • Builds Stamina.
  • Builds Back Muscles.
  • Encourages Self-Carriage.
  • Exercise without strain on Joints and Tendons.
  • Cold therapy helps with inflammation and stiffness.
  • Ideal for recovery post-operation or lameness.
  • Strengthens total musculature of the horse.


These complementary forms of therapy are also particularly useful when working with sports horses. Movement in water is known for its positive effects for building muscles and fitness, especially when working in water depths up to the carpal joints, as gravity is reduced considerably in water, therefore decreasing exertion on muscles and joints. Water produces gentle resistance, helping build muscle tone and strength, getting stronger with speed, whilst too much exertion is averted by the buffering nature of water.

Tailored therapy and training plans can be prepared in accordance with veterinary advice and wishes of the horse and client.

ACTIVO-MED Aquatrainer

Here at BCN Equine Spa we have installed a top-notch machine from the German brand of Activo-Med. It a a high quality robust machine which is long enough to enable free movement with long strides. In addition there is a chiller unit installed which keeps the water at a yearly stable temperature of between 8-12 degrees celsius.

The cooler water aids in reducing inflammation and swelling of the joints and is a great help in the recovery of injuries.

INDIBA - A New Era of Animal Rehabilitation

We can offer treatments 3-4 times per week to stimulate the quickest recovery for your horse.


The uses of INDIBA enable the therapeutic management of acute, sub-acute and chronic injuries, either as a conservative or post-surgical method, with reduced recovery time due to its biostimalatory effects.

Therapeutic effects:

  • Radiofrequency technology.
  • Stimulates tissue and cell regeneration.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Accelerates recovery of tendons, ligaments, joints and muscles.
  • Promotes Performance and Injury Prevention.
  • Increases Supply of Oxygen to treated areas.


Just like us humans, every horse is different – in both build and personality. But, horse owners have found that using a horse solarium before and then again post-exercise will help to ensure the horse’s muscles are warmed up in order to prevent uncomfortable strain and tightness.

Solariums can provide the horse with all they need to remain fit, healthy and energised, as well drying off the animal to avoid the chills and muscle discomfort associated with exercising in damp or wet conditions